was established to make it easier for victims of injury to find injury lawyers in Maryland. Very little transparency exists about lawyer experience and performance. Prospective clients are left only with advertisements and referrals from friends.
At the same time, an immense amount of public data exists. The data provides a window into lawyer experience and performance. We simply collated the data to produce statistics on lawyers. We analyzed millions of cases and published our first 600,000 cases from Maryland circuit courts. Not every lawyer, nor every defendant, appears on However, every lawyer and defendant that does appear has complete statistics in line with our data policies and our disclaimers. is a product of 27Legal, LLC.
27Legal, LLC exists to help bring together the right clients and the right lawyers online. In that, we also help attorneys market and brand themselves on the Internet. The company believes success on the web involves all aspects of an attorney’s online reputation. The company also believes no one aspect of an attorney’s practice and marketing can be looked at in isolation.
27Legal, LLC and the were started by Byron Warnken, a non-practicing Maryland attorney. Warnken was marketing director for a law firm from 2002-05. He started his first website in 2005, which he later sold in order to run an eight figure online marketing company. During his tenure, the company, FourCubed, experienced more than 110% revenue growth and grew to 12 employees. Warnken has also had law firm management and financial advisory positions.