Maryland Lawsuits AgainstOllies Bargain Outlet Inc

Brooklyn Park, MD 21225

About Ollie’s Bargain Outlet Inc.

Ollie’s Bargain Outlet is an American chain of discount stores that was founded in 1982 with it’s first store in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Ollie’s has around 330 locations in 23 different states. Ollie’s deals with merchandise by obtaining their supply from various retailers, suppliers, or manufacturers through closeouts, bankruptcy sales,or any other means of buying stock below the wholesale cost.

According to Maryland Judiciary Case Search, Ollie’s Bargain, entered with that exact spelling, has been sued, as a defendant in Maryland Circuit Courts, 4 times since September 2012. With these four cases, 3 of them where for OT and the last one was for MSTL. These cases where held in Baltimore County, Saint Mary’s County, and Anne Arundel County Circuit Court. 3 out of the 4 cases are closed and inactive and the last case is closed.


Ollie’s Bargain Outlet Inc. in the news

Recently, in March 2019, Ollie’s Bargain Outlet have been involved in a class action lawsuit for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by failing to maintain clear pathways in the aisles of it’s stores. According to the lawsuit, Ollie’s has positioned “a host of obstructions”, such as displays, stocking carts, bins, dollies, and ladders, in the store aisles that block those who are with limited mobility. The main issue with these obstruction of aisles, is the claim that Ollie’s has done this many times before and are reoccurring.


Last updated November 20, 2019

All data below is as according to the MD Judiciary, As of: 9/26/2012. Data Policy

Ollies Bargain Outlet Inc Lawsuit Statistics

Case Types


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Real, Updated Data from the MD Court System

Common Co-defendants